
    Country: The Netherlands
    Province: Gelderland (NL)
    Location: NL - Nijmegen
    Therapist for: Women
    Therapy form: Holistic massage, Lomi-lomi massage, Tantra massage (yoni), Tantra massage workshop

    About me

    Tantra massage ChristianI (1961) have been on the spiritual path since I was 28. After a crisis that left me in therapy for a year and a half, my life has changed drastically. For example, I gave up my job as a German teacher and started giving spiritual courses with my then partner. This extremely fruitful and inspiring phase also came to an end because movement and change are part of life. Now I have already finished my regular job as a supervisor for people with autism to be able to live even more directly from my passion: touching, coaching, helping them on their way. In recent years I have also been intensively involved with tantra and in the meantime I have discovered how important the body is in rediscovering your joy of life and contact with yourself. And I would like to support you with that!

    Relevant education and training:

    • Tantra masseur (Helios Center Heerde / 2017)
    • Thai massage (Thai massage academy / 2022)
    • Lomi Lomi (Uit Handen / 2020)
    • Lomi Lomi (Zonnevlecht Training / 2018)
    • Holistic massage (Academy for massage and movement / 2018)
    • Bio Dynamic Healing (Flaviu Pop / 2017)
    • Full Body Dearmouring (Gaia Method, Susanne Roersgaard / 2019)
    • Sexual Healing & De-Armouring Retreat (Gaia Method / 2019)
    • Psychodrama training (T.O.P. / 1996)
    • Healing Education (Le Plan int. school of healing / 1992)
    • Artistic Helping (Studio Matthias / 1995)
    • Family Constellations (Jerphaas / 2019)
    • Life Coaching (Atma Institute / 2018)


    Tantra massage

    A tantra massage is an intuitive, flowing and loving touch of the whole body. An intimate dance, in which you can surrender to a deep connection with yourself, with the love that you essentially are.

    Your body is massaged with warm massage oil, where tender caresses and more firm touches follow one another. The vital life energy that is generated in this way will flow through your entire body. Everything may be there, for example feelings of ecstasy, emotion or excitement, but sadness can also be released. You can use all the intense experiences to get in touch more deeply with what you really are.

    A tantra massage helps you to feel more alive, sensual and present in your entire body. You experience more zest for life and creativity and contact with others becomes easier. Any pain, tension and shame in intimacy and sexuality can be resolved, because you lovingly come into contact with these feelings during the massage. You gain a wider sense of what you are beyond all the varying experiences.

    Who is this tantra massage intended for?

    I give tantra massage to women and (occasional) couples who recognize themselves in (one of) the following reasons for tantra massage:

    • You want to be more present in your own body to feel your vital life energy flowing again
    • You want to (learn to) enjoy your body more and let go of pain, tension and shame about it
    • You have a desire to be touched: physically, emotionally and spiritually
    • You want to learn new ways to enjoy and strengthen or restore the connection with your (future) partner
    • You want to learn to give a tantra massage yourself

    How does a tantra massage work?

    Tantra massage Christian praktijkAt the start of the session, we first take the time to get to know each other and discuss what you wish to experience in the massage. You can indicate what your possible obstacles are and which boundaries are important to you. We look for an affirmation or short phrase for you that you experience as particularly healing, and are invited to occasionally express this self-affirmation inwardly because in this state of surrender you are very receptive to new thought patterns.

    Then we take a seat on a mattress on the floor. Step by step we make closer contact to further familiarize ourselves with each other's proximity. When you are ready, I start the massage with heated, organic oil.

    During the session you can enjoy all the touches and the relaxing music. In coordination with you I use the Kashmir tantra massage posture.

    After the massage there is time to lie down and talk. I advise you not to plan any strenuous activities afterwards, but to take the time for yourself so that the massage can continue to work well.

    How are my personal wishes and limits handled?

    A tantra massage is a wonderful experience when it is tailored to your wishes and limits. On the one hand, it can be interesting to explore your limits in order to broaden them. On the other hand, it makes sense to stay true to boundaries that are really important to you right now.

    During the massage you can adjust your wishes or limits. However, it is not possible to expand the indicated limits so that you do not make impulsive decisions that you might regret later. Limiting it further can of course be a healing experience.

    In its original form, a tantra massage is experienced naked, in which all parts of the body are touched respectfully. More important, however, is what you feel most comfortable with. We therefore discuss in advance where you want to stay dressed and in which parts of your body you do not want to be touched. During the massage I respect your limits and mine. I myself wear shorts during the massage.

    Besides the tantra massage I also offer Lomi-lomi and holistic massage (1 hour).

    Mini workshop for couples

    A tantra massage is a wonderful way to experience the physical, emotional and spiritual connection with your partner and with yourself. You can let each other relax deeply and fully enjoy loving touch and intimacy.

    Even when the connection with your partner is disrupted, making contact beyond words can be a relief. From the softness of physical closeness and intimacy, space can again be created to continue contact in a new way. When the sexual relationship has been disrupted, exchanging a tantra massage can be a great alternative and contribute to restoring the sexual connection.

    In a partner session of three and a half hours you can already learn to give each other a nice tantra massage. I myself will not massage but coach from the sidelines. It has been found to have a very healing and refreshing effect on the relationship. Also very suitable as a surprise birthday present!


    • Tantra massage: 2.5h - 200  euro
    • Lomi-lomi massage: 1.25-1.5h - 100 euro
    • Holistic massage: 1.25-1.5h - 100 euro
    • Tantra massage workshop couple: 3.5h - 300 euro

    It was, in a word, amazing! How I enjoyed your loving touches. Only now do I know and feel what is meant by loving touches. I couldn't think of a more appropriate word. And now the morning after the massage, the thought of the massage still fills me with a warm and relaxed feeling. It was wonderful just to have to receive. Everything revolved around me. That was what I so needed. I also notice that the mantra has worked well. I really feel it.

    At the start I really had to cross a hurdle. This was so out of my comfort zone. Fortunately, this feeling was allowed to exist and was not condemned. Partly because of this and because I was able to surrender after a few minutes, I was able to open up completely and enjoy it immensely. Afterwards I was very tired. I slept 12 hours last night. Apparently I needed this. The next morning I feel satisfied and I have a more positive self-image. If this is the feeling after one day and after my first tantra massage, I am very sure that this suits me and more tantra massages will follow.

    Christian, thank you for this indescribable experience! And the safety in which I was able to experience this.

    J. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Sometimes everything coincides: the place, the atmosphere, the person, the attunement, the intimacy, the surrender, the cadence, the fulfillment, the intoxication. A warm greeting and heartfelt welcome. Not a word too much and no superfluous effort, just right to be able to open up and dare to be yourself. You may surrender just as much as you allow yourself to this loving, deeply felt, passionate experience. In a word: Heavenly!

    J.F. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Loving, heavenly and like coming home. The atmospheric, warm and inviting space immediately gave me a feeling of a warm bath where I immediately felt completely at ease. In addition, Christian is very honest, sincere and loving. It felt like coming home to my own body and the loving touches gave me the feeling that I can really be gentle and loving towards myself. Thank you for this wonderful experience.

    J. B. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Christian is someone who massages with full attention. He is really present in his touch and feels exactly what I need. He is extremely respectful, very professional and experienced, continues to develop and is a nice person to deal with.

    C.L. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Christian has helped me re-member who I really am. He has helped me enormously to listen to myself and to be and remain faithful to myself. My heart speaks and I can feel, I just had to learn to listen to it. He supported me very well in this and accelerated the process. What do I want and find important in my life? He is a warm man who really listens to your story and feels exactly what you need.

    M.W. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Now, 2 days later, I still feel the effect of your nice massage! It has given me deep relaxation and new energy at the same time. Because of your peace, attention, respect and attunement I was able to surrender and receive, and that is a new experience for me. The alternation between firm and soft touch, the space, the temperature, the music, the oil, the heated futon, everything was just right! It's amazing how quickly I felt at ease with you. It has touched me! Thank you for that Christian!

    W. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Live from my mind. I can do that well. Live from feeling. I need support with that. I found that support from Christian. Because of his massages I manage to relax more and get more in touch with my feelings. My body comes alive and therefore moves uncontrollably. I make noise. That may all be there. He respects me and my boundaries. Through him I discover who I really am. I am curious what the next massage will bring.

    I. (session 1) [therapist: Christian]

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
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    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
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    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

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    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

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    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.