
    Country: Belgium
    Province: Limburg (BE)
    Location: BE - Beringen
    Therapist for: Men, Women
    Therapy form: 4-hands massage, Duo massage, Holistic massage, InnerFlow and Nature coach, Kashmiri massage, Relaxation massage, Shamanic rituals & Healing, Tantra massage (lingam), Tantra massage (yoni), Tao healing massage

    About me

    Peter wide

    I am Peter, married for over 35 years, father of 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Former top manager in international multinational and now author, professional Advisor, Coach & Masseur with a focus on general Well-being.
    As a successful manager, I received an international award for innovation and a national recognition for collaboration. In 2007 I started my personal search for authenticity. On the path of growing leadership, to my own surprise, I spontaneously achieved unprecedented successes with minimal energy. I received an international offer with a blank check, but my choice was wellness. When I was suddenly sidelined due to dismissal, my passion for growth and insights only increased.

    I delved into ancient wisdom from different denominations and various cultures (Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Celts, Cathars, King Arthur, Mary Magdalene, Incas, Mayans, Atlantis, Lemuria and Shamanism). It became a quest with life choices where an inner compass was welcome. The way of Tantra was important in this quest. I inspire and give confidence to people on the path to authentic 'being'. I guide searching people in their journey to insights into life processes:
    How do you deal with symptoms such as illness, insomnia, stress, burnout, dismissal, inner emptiness and life choices?
    Do you still believe in marriage or a steady relationship?
    How do you deal with individual and relational growth (pain)?
    Do you long for a balanced life and a passionate job?
    How to find a balance and monitor it?
    By first bringing your own life into flow, you can lift the well-being of your loved one and other people with self-love, because every person deserves flow in his or her life, at work and in love.


    2007-2009: Process-Oriented Leadership (KUL Leuven)
    From 2008: Taoism – The Way of the Tao (self-study)
    2008-2013: Evolutionary psychology, Consultant (Sleep, stress, burnout, depression, CFS, relationship), Constellations, Archetypes, Yinne three-day (Inner child, Adolescence, Adulthood), The way of the woman (Hagadessa, Moon Goddess, ...)
    2011: Path of the Man + 2019: Intimate Relationships / Sacred Sexuality (Ton Van der Kroon)
    2013-2017: Tao Healing / Shivaite Cashmere tantra massage, sensual reflexology, 4-hand massage, couples massage, men massaging men (Luc Escot & Veerle Wijns)
    2012-2017: (Learning to) feel life - Personal road trips & travels (Taoism, Celts, Incas, Buddhism, Hinduism, King Arthur, Cathars, Mary Magdalene, Mayans, Atlantis, Lemuria)
    2020: The art of the Kashmiri massage – Tantra Touch (Patrick Schroyen & Sananda)
    2021-2023: Men's Group – Full Potential of Sexual Energy (+Advanced) – Sexual Healing - Sacred Sexuality (Rising Heart)
    From 2022: Shamanism (Belgium / Netherlands / France)
    2023: 5-element massage, Prana Flow massage (Johan Raaijmakers)
    2022-202x: Shamanism (Roel Crabbe) – Practitioner Healer 2023-2025


    Peter ruimte


    • Reception in my Sacred Room with drink (coffee, tea, water...)
    • You have an idea of the purpose and power of pure tantra (via reading material or the internet) or you have (some) experience. At the start of the conversation we take a quick look.
    • During the conversation, the focus is on the intention of the massage (where does the energy not flow, do you experience blockage, (inner) injury, letting go of old patterns, conscious growth, healing (physical, emotional, mental, energetic). Wishes and boundaries are discussed? in line with your evolution, growth and emotional situation at the moment.
    • You come for your massage, not for 'me'. You are central.
    • You come cared for and washed or take a shower before the massage
    • The massage on a futon starts with a ritual
    • During the respectful massage with warm almond oil, the agreements and boundaries remain guaranteed in complete safety
    • Option: after the massage, end with extra healing ritual
    • Possibility to shower after the massage or dip the skin dry to keep it soft with residual oil
    • Debriefing (with drink): sharing insights & points of interest for personal well-being & growth.

    Everything is provided (shower products, towels, pareo / shawl, slippers, ...). Take into account the effective massage time and the total time of the massage.

    Tao-Healing Tantra massage

    Peter futon

    The massage with loving touches is in function of the intention made, to promote the InnerFlow and with a focus on healing and well-being. During the massage, physical, emotional, mental and energetic blockages are released. You come into deeper contact with your true self. You experience peace. Energy starts to flow. Experience with kundalini energy opens a new world. Don't rule out the world of magic, or be aware that magical sacred gates exist.

    The processes that arise and manifest themselves are explained to provide insights and growth steps.

    Read or delve deeper if it is your first experience with Tantra.

    The total massage starts over the entire body with the back. Afterwards, you will receive a head massage and the front will be holistically massaged. The total duration is 90 minutes of effective massage time. Lingam or Yoni massage is part of allowing flowing kundalini energy to flow through your body and heart. Depending on your experience, personal evolution and growth, the massage is done with one point contact for a feeling of safety or with a deeper layer with more contact points via sensual reflexology. The massage follows the structure of TAO healing by Luc Escot and can be intuitively supplemented with other variants or techniques of 5-element massage, PranaFlow or (Sacral) massage techniques. Count on a total time of 2.5 to 3 hours.

    Shivaite Kashmir Tantra massage (Cashmere)

    The massage with loving touches is in function of the intention made, to promote the InnerFlow and with a focus on healing and well-being. During the massage, physical, emotional, mental and energetic blockages are released and you come into deeper contact with your true self. You experience peace. Energy starts to flow. Experience with kundalini energy opens a new world. Don't rule out the world of magic, or be aware that magical sacred gates exist.

    The processes that arise and manifest themselves are explained to provide insights and growth steps.

    This massage is for people with tantra experience. I do not give this massage to people without experience in Tantra or as an introduction to the tantra world. There is a stronger form of body contact that can be experienced as unsafe when first introduced to tantra.

    The total massage starts after an opening ritual in a side-lying position on the right and left. This is followed by a total massage of the back and a holistic massage of the entire front. The total duration is 90 minutes of effective massage time. Lingam or Yoni massage is part of the massage to allow flowing kundalini energy to flow through your body and heart. Depending on your experience, personal evolution and growth, the massage is done with deeper layers. The massage follows the structure of Cashmere healing by Luc Escot and can be intuitively supplemented with other variants or (Sacral) massage techniques. Count on a total time of 2.5 to 3 hours.

    Four-hand massage

    During this Tao-Tantra massage, you will be massaged synchronously with warm almond oil for 60 minutes, depending on your wish and intention. You will experience that you quickly get out of your head and become one with yourself. You experience an inner changing energy flow of feminine and masculine energy.

    The massage is led by the wife of the massage couple present to respect the feminine starting energy (Yin). The massage is done together with my experienced partner or with a perfectly 3-lingual tantrika of Walloon origin.

    The massage with loving touches is in function of the intention made, to promote the InnerFlow and with a focus on healing and well-being. During the massage, physical, emotional, mental and energetic blockages are released and you come into deeper contact with your true self. You experience peace. Energy starts to flow. Expect nothing, be open to a deep contact with yourself.

    Effective massage time 60 minutes. Count on a total time of 1.5 to 2 hours.

    Couple / Duo Tao-Healing Tantra massage

    The massage with loving touches is based on the individual or joint intention, to promote the InnerFlow and with a focus on healing, well-being and unity. During the massage, physical, emotional, mental and energetic blockages are released and you come into deeper contact with your true self. You experience peace. Energy starts to flow. Experience with kundalini energy opens a new world. Don't rule out the world of magic, or be aware that magical sacred gates exist.

    The processes that arise and manifest themselves are explained to provide insights and growth steps.

    Read or delve deeper if it is your first experience with Tantra.

    The total massage starts over the entire body with the back. Afterwards, you will receive a head massage and the front will be holistically massaged. The total duration is 90 minutes of effective massage time. Lingam or Yoni massage is part of allowing flowing kundalini energy to flow through your body and heart. Depending on your experience, personal evolution and growth, the massage is done with one point contact for a feeling of safety or with a deeper layer with more contact points via sensual reflexology. The massage follows the structure of TAO healing by Luc Escot and can be intuitively supplemented with other variants or techniques of 5-element massage, PranaFlow or Sacral massage techniques. Count on a total time of at least 2.5 to 3 hours.

    The massage is done in the same room with 2 futons next to each other. Massages in separate rooms are possible, but must be communicated in advance for the sake of practical arrangements. The massage is done together with my experienced partner or with a perfectly 3-lingual tantrika of Walloon origin.

    Relaxation massage

    As an introduction or to pamper yourself, I offer the option of a relaxing massage. Time for yourself. Need for rest, me-time, skin hunger. Coming home to yourself, coming home to yourself! You can of course also give the massage as a gift.

    The massage with loving touches is tailored to YOU.

    The massage follows the structure of Luc Escot and can be intuitively supplemented with other variants or techniques according to the wishes and demands of the customer.

    • Effective massage time 60 minutes: Count on a total time of 1.5 hours
    • Effective massage time 90 minutes: Count on a total time of 2 hours

    Coaching: InnerFlow & Nature coaching

    In an open conversation with a listening ear, we feel together where your life is blocking and no longer flowing. Where do you experience energy loss? With tools and insights, through trial and error, I teach you to make contact with your inner compass, with your intuition. My coaching is based on natural laws, Sacred Laws and energetic laws.

    I myself changed from control freak to The Flowmaker. I evolved from fear to confidence. I would like to share my experience of natural laws, ancient wisdom, rituals and energetic healing. Rediscover your inner compass and feel your inner flow. The coaching takes place in my practice or in nature during a walk (usually with a healing ritual). Customized programs or multi-day walks in nature with survival, back to basic or luxury are possible. I no longer live in terms of limitations but in a world of possibilities. And you?

    I look forward to seeing you in my Sacral Flow(m)barrel.

    Peter flowbarrel


    • Relaxation massage – total time 1.5 hours – €80
    • Relaxation massage – total time 2 hours – 120€
    • TAO-Healing tantra massage – total time 2.5 to 3 hours – 180€
    • Shivaite Kasmiri tantra massage – total time 2.5 to 3 hours – 180€
    • Four-hand massage – total time 1.5 to 2 hours – €220
    • Couple / Duo Tantra Massage – total duration 2.5 to 3 hours – €300
    • Coaching: InnerFlow or Nature coaching – Total duration 1.5 to 2 hours – €80

    Hello Peter, I want to let you know that I also agree very well with the information about shamanic journeys. The funny thing is that last week, while walking with a friend, I saw 2 swans flying in sync a few times. That was very beautiful 😍

    Yesterday I talked about that 4-year-old child who didn't feel happy. What was expected was not possible and was therefore laughed at and punished. It's remarkable that you took that out because I hadn't thought about it myself, but apparently it had a deeper impact than I suspected. I started working on it too.

    I have already anchored myself in nature at my favorite tree and in my favorite spot 😉

    At this moment I am at rest, exactly as if I were in my own zero point 😄. I'll see what will happen in the next few days.

    In any case, thank you very much for this Sacred Encounter in which I was able to enjoy a pure touch from you as a man, to heal deep sexual blockages in my womanhood. This is an act of both individual and collective healing as men and women can allow themselves to come back together in this Holiness and heal.

    It's all going to be fine. Now healing and liberating on a deeper level. On to Divine Freedom 🥰

    Thank you very much. I will keep you informed if anything changes and I will let you know if I feel the time is right for a new appointment. Love 🥰😍😘

    Hilde (session 1) [therapist: Peter]

    A sincere thank you for the wonderful experience I had with you! I experienced the massage in complete softness and safety. It felt like I was immersed under a warm blanket of soft touches given with full attention and care.

    You took me on a journey deep within, where, towards the end, I only felt a deep sense of peace. A much-welcomed rest, sincere thanks! The ritual gave everything an extra boost for me, it flowed so beautifully, I could already feel the energy flowing during the massage, but during the ritual it felt like an energy river. This was so wonderful, even when everything cleared up inside me and a feeling of complete peace and tranquility came over me...

    I continue to enjoy it and let everything come in quietly. You are a very nice, warm and sincere man. Very happy and grateful that you came my way.

    Warm regards, Saskia

    Saskia (session 1) [therapist: Peter]

    Peter, my friends and those around me openly say that I shine and stand in my strength!

    Anna (session 3) [therapist: Peter]

    Peter, what did you do with me at the weekend? I've been walking on clouds for 3 days now!

    V. (session 1) [therapist: Peter]

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
    Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
    How did you end up on this website?


    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

    Experience the healing effects of a lingam massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

    Relax the muscles of your pelvic floor through a pelvic floor massage and thus help avoid or solve a whole range of painful problems.


    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.