
    Country: Belgium
    Province: West Flandres (BE)
    Location: BE - Koksijde
    Therapist for: Men, Women
    Therapy form: Pelvic floor massage, Intimacy coaching, Sexual healing, Tantra coaching, Tantra massage (lingam), Tantra massage (yoni)

    About me

    Tantra massage JokeI have a passion for touch and massage.
    A passion to explore with you. To help you rediscover and reconnect with your body and your feelings. Not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

    For as long as I remember I have felt and felt a lot, both with myself and others. Every moment tells something about myself and is an invitation to look, feel, learn, a moment of awareness, a moment of growth.

    The past 15 years I have immersed myself in personal development. In a course in nature religion, I tasted a number of things that have made my life so much richer. I came into contact with touch, massage, energy work, healing, reiki, meditation, yoga, tantra. It is an ongoing process. I am eager to learn. Once tasted of tantra, there was no turning back for me. It is a way of awareness and personal growth. It is part of me.

    Course and rates

    The tantra sessions I offer are for women, men and couples who want to grow in awareness, intimacy, sexuality and want to connect more deeply with themselves and with eachother.
    Loving touch, touch with attention, being present, intuition, respect and safety are aspects that I attach great importance to.

    A tantra session or coaching can consist of several elements:

    • Breathwork and tantra kriya yoga
    • Massage including Tantra massage, taoist erotic massage, erotic scratch massage, 5 touch massage, creative touch massage, Kashmir massage
    • (Gentle) de-armouring techniques of pelvic area, yoni and lingam
    • 3 Minute game (The wheel of consent)
    • Exercises for body awareness, sexual energy awareness, life energy awareness so that you can fully empower yourself and come home to yourself

    On the appointment form, always suggest dates, minimum 48 hours later than the time of the application.

    Tantra massage

    A tantra massage is an initiation into tantra.
    It is a warm oil massage in which the entire body is touched sensually and respectfully. Depending on your boundaries, the intimate zone is also included in this.

    Both giver and receiver are naked during the massage, which creates an equivalent situation.

    A tantra massage is the basis for sexual healing and/or a tantric growth trajectory.
    The experience of tantra massage starting from relaxation, connection, feeling of nurturing and security can slowly transition to a deeper and more focused experience. We can work on erection and ejaculation disorders, difficulty to orgasm, abuse, pain from penetration,… or grow in tantric consciousness.

    Sexual healing: pelvic floor massage - yoni healing - lingam healing - rosetta healing

    In sexual healing we will work in a focused way around intimacy and sexuality. A lot of tension is stored in the pelvic zone, genital zone and anal zone. During a sexual healing session we will release this tension. It is possible to work on specific problems such as difficult orgasms, pain during sex, abuse, erection and ejaculation disorders, ...
    Sexual healing can include the following parts: pelvic floor massage, yoni healing, lingam healing, rosetta healing

    Intimacy coaching individual/couple

    Many people approach themes such as intimacy and sexuality with trepidation, for others it is taboo. In many cases, we suffer from limiting thoughts and beliefs. Often things have happened in the past that have hurt and damaged us.

    How do you experience intimacy? What do you run into? What stops you from experiencing real intimacy with yourself and/or someone else.

    To enter into a healthy relationship it is important that you have a good and healthy connection with yourself, your body, your sexuality and sensuality.

    If you are in a relationship, you can ask yourself the following question: Is my relationship vibrant and lively or rather still and stalled? Is there openness and dare to discuss everything or are there secrets and is there a double agenda? How you experience intimacy as a couple often reflects how your relationship is.

    Part of intimacy coaching can be conversation, questions, physical body work, tantric massage, healing techniques (including sexual healing and pelvic floor massage) or a combination of the above depending on your limits, what was discussed and what is needed. I provide you with tools with which you can effectively work as an individual and/or as a couple.

    How does a session work?

    Depending on the chosen treatment, a session lasts 2 to 2.5 hours.

    • Tantric massage and sexual healing are given on a futon (mat). There is no sexual interaction between giver and receiver.
    • We start the session with an intake interview so that I have insight into what is in you, what expectations and limits there are. There is also a survey of your sexual history.
    • Then the actual session or massage follows
    • In the tantra massage and sexual healing, a preliminary and post-discussion is included (in total a maximum of 30 minutes extra).

    In my practice I attach great importance to hygiene, both for myself as the giver and for the recipient. To make the session comfortable, take a shower before a booked session.

    Tantra massage Joke treatment room


    Tantra massage

    • 2h: 180 euros
    • 2h30: 220 euros

    Sexual healing

    • 2h: 180 euros
    • 2h30: 220 euros

    Intimacy coaching

    • 2:30: 250 euros
    • 3h: 300 euros

    You pay cash or via bank app at the start of the session.

    There are no testimonials that meet the set filter values.

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
    Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
    How did you end up on this website?


    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

    Experience the healing effects of a lingam massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

    Relax the muscles of your pelvic floor through a pelvic floor massage and thus help avoid or solve a whole range of painful problems.


    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.